Event Registration

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Enter your email address to get started:

Male Teams

OVER 30$850.00
OVER 40$850.00
OVER 50$850.00
OVER 55$850.00
OVER 60$850.00

Female Teams


Co-Ed Teams

Payable:Beer City Cup
Address:Beer City Cup
2 Williams Street
Asheville NC 28803


(If you have any issues logging in, registering or paying --- EMAIL SINC SPORTS: support@sincsports.com)

If you already have a SINCsports account, please login first by clicking "LOGIN" above. When you are logged in, all of your information will be populated for you so you don't have to enter it again.

To register your team, please enter your email address below and then click the button that says: "Begin Registration".

As a helpful reminder, full payment must be made during registration in order to secure your teams spot. We can not "save your place in line" this year due to the level of interest in the Beer City Cup.

Keep in mind, your team will need to have at least 10 players rostered by July 15 in order to keep it's spot (refunds will not be issued to teams that fail to roster 10 players by July 15)

We highly recommend reviewing the BEER CITY CUP RULES

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