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Team Registration Information

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We are excited to kick off our 2024 Puri Labor Day Cup! Please see tournament information below. 

U7-U10: $650 (7v7) 2x30 Minute Halves, 3 Guarenteed Games
U11-U12: $695 (9v9) 2x35 Minute Halves, 3 Guarenteed Games
U12-U14: $825 (11v11) 2x35 Minute Halves, 3 Guarenteed Games
U15-U19: $875 (11v11) 2x40 Minute Halves, 3 Guarenteed Games

**There are NO Championship games or playoffs, awards are given to the first and second place teams in each bracket after all group play is completed. 

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Applications are not being accepted at this time