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North Carolina

North Carolina
Under 11 Boys Green Division
14 (11U) CCFC 2015 Green
Loaded by Joshua Windley

North Carolina
11UB 1st WEST1
14 (11U) CCFC 2015 Green
Loaded by Heyward Gulledge

05/04/2514 (11U) CSA CLT Elite 1 G
05/03/2514 (11U) CSA Huntersville..
03/15/2514 (11U) CSA Charlotte Liga
03/14/2514 (11U) CCFC Elite
03/01/2514 (11U) CSA North Elite
02/07/2514 (11U) NCF HPJ Gold
01/01/0014 (11U) FCA Atalanta