I cannot believe there are 10 days until our first game. Since we'll have a little bit extra time over the weekend, I asked the kids to do two things this weekend:
1. Wherever they go, to bring their soccer ball with them. It is apparent that many of the kids are taking some time at home to just work with the ball by themselves.
2. To help cover some material that we just do not have enough time to cover in practice, I prepared some 'homework' for the weekend to return at the next practice. The 'homework' is actually 23 questions solely about what is the proper start or restart of a game after play is stopped for the reason stated in the question. All of the questions were taken from a Grade 8 USSF Referee exam from 2011 and 2012. This is to be returned at the next practice - top scorer will have some perks for our first game.
With the homework, I would encourage you to work with your player to help them understand the rules. Also, this is completely open book, so go ahead and use whatever resources you have to help answer the questions. Speaking of the book, the rule book they should use is the SAY Soccer Laws of the Game (since these rules apply to our SAY league), and you can find a copy at http://www.saysoccer.org/resources/1/Publications/2015WEBRULEBOOK2.pdf
There is a lot of stuff there. Ignore in particular anything about different age groups. I would suggest focusing in on the following sections:
1. Law 5 - Referees - Section 4.K. only (on page 20)
2. Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play (page 24)
2. Law 9 - Ball in and Out of Play (page 25)
3. Law 12 - Fouls and Miscounduct (starts on page 28) - You can ignore most of the material beyond sections 1, 2, 3, 4.A-C., 5.A. & 5.B.
4. Law 13 - Free Kick - Important bits are 1, 2, 3.B., 4.A., 6, 8, and 9 (starts on page 32)
5. Law 14 - Penalty Kick (starts on page 34) Focus on 1-6 and the grid on page 36
6. Law 15 - Throw In (page 37)
7. Law 16 - Goal Kick (page 38)
8. Law 17 - Corner Kick (page 39)
This is not meant to be hard, difficult, or busy work. Simply, teams that know the rules have an edge and those who played in the very first 3 on 3 Valpo Parks Soccer Tournament likely remember a team imploded in their first game because they didn't know the rules. My intent is for your player (and you) to know how and why things are happening so they can move quickly and take advantage of opportunities when the present themselves. Moreover, if people have trouble with these rules, it makes Offsides difficult to impossible to figure out and that is coming pretty quickly. Again, use any resource available to you.
We will go over this during the last 15 minutes of practice next week, so if you would like to sit in and listen to the answers and why, I encourage you to do so.
Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone next week!...sO